Example Text

Hello everyone, I was scrolling through a feed on IG and found this really great text that I would like to manipulate and try on my own. Except, I have tried a couple different ways, and I just can't get as clean lines between the top half and bottom half of the text. Can anyone help me with this?


  • We'll be better able to help you if you post your best attempt and what steps you tried so we know where you got stuck.
    – Ryan
    Jun 18, 2015 at 20:10
  • I downvoted and closed your question because I see no implementation or are you showing us where you actually have an issue. Just saying you tried doesn't help us help you without creating you a tutorial. Make an edit with the tools you used with screenshots and we can help.
    – user9447
    Jun 18, 2015 at 20:28
  • 1
    I don't see why the downvote is always necessary on top of the "close". A bit hardcore on the 1-reputation guy after he's been asked 23 minutes ago to show what he tried! Phew!
    – go-junta
    Jun 18, 2015 at 20:35

1 Answer 1


You are working with 2 different font layers.

1) First type out your word. Add a vector mask to the type layer. Then duplicate that type layer ctrl+j.

2) Then create a selection using the pen tool (p). You will want to inverse the selection and fill the outside of the area with black to hide the top part of the text.

first selection

Your bottom text layer will look like this

bottom text layer

3) select the layer mask by ctrl+left click on the layer vector mask. This will re-select the mask. Inverse the mask and apply a black fill for the top font layer.

top text layer

4) Move the top font layer to the right and your end result:

end result

This is how my layers stacked for example

example stacked layers

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