This font was created using Adobe CS4 and I am using Corel Draw 6. I cannot id this font and need to do so to create more graphics using it.

What is this font?:

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


The letters are the most distinctive element of this font; that serif on the 7 isn't too common. Also, when looking, keep an eye out for the 'K' in particular, since the diagonals don't always cross like that.

I scanned through MyFonts' sans-serif list and found Houschka Pro Medium:

Houschka Alt Pro Medium

I don't know if it's a perfect fit (the size and tracking on your example are throwing me off a bit) but if not it's very close.


Tikal Sans Medium looks close to this font and the numeric is different font Pepperell Braiding Hemp look close

enter image description here

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