
I am following a tutorial in which one of the steps is to change the brown texture paper

enter image description here

to this white texture paper. The tutorial says to 'invert', but I can't understand how to do this and why it would work.

enter image description here

  • "Paste the texture over the logo, inverse the colours and adjust the Levels to give a high contrast." So it's not just invert colours, you're missing the levels step.
    – Luciano
    Jul 20, 2016 at 8:12

1 Answer 1


The tutorial is wrong. Inverting the texture will just make it blue:

Inverted texture

Instead of inverting the colors you actually want to remove all color. Desaturate the texture by going to Image → Adjustments → Desaturate:

Desaturated texture

Then apply the level adjustments as the tutorial says:

Finished texture

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