8 votes

How to give a .gif animation variable frame delay speeds in Gimp?

To add a delay to a specific layer you put the duration at the end of the layer name: Layer1 (200ms). This is the time this layer remains visible until it is covered by the next frame. The duration ...
xenoid's user avatar
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Krita: How to make a particular layer appear (be visible) from a particular frame onwards?

Go to animation curves docker Add keyframe (should result in an opacity keyframe) to whatever frame number you want Change the opacity to either 100 (visible) or 0 (nonvisible) Click the hold constant ...
wooshuwu's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit a mask layer without detaching it in inkscape?

Not directly. The mask isn't selectable or editable once it is applied to an object. However, you could keep your mask object off the page, create a clone of it, and use the clone as the mask. Then ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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How to define a non-destructive contrast modification layer in inkscape?

It is possible, but Inkscape's raster capabilities are fairly limited in comparison to an actual raster image editor. So it's going to be a bit painful to be honest. Here's an example using Filters &...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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GIMP Animation: How to merge a layer on top of all other layers?

See theinterleave-layers script in title mode. The script requires the added layer have the same size as the layers used in the animation. To do so, on the title image: Use Image>Canvas size to ...
xenoid's user avatar
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