25 votes

Is programming a website for mobile first really necessary?

From a purely design standpoint, starting with the mobile version first does make sense. The hardest part of the design process is always pruning, never adding. So the smaller the screen real estate ...
PieBie's user avatar
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16 votes

Illustrator: what is this black dotted box? How can it be disabled?

It's the print tiling indicator, basically showing you what and where your artwork will print with the print page size you currently have set. You can turn it on and off from the view menu (View ...
Cai's user avatar
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16 votes

How do designers choose shapes in a design?

Actually there may be a great deal of thought put into such usage, well beyond personal preference or some client directive. Style If you know you want a more friendly, loose "feel" then ...
Scott's user avatar
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12 votes

How to quickly generate rectangles in place of text

The visual effect that you refer to is called "Greeking". Greeking obscures portions of a work for the purpose of either emphasizing form over details or displaying placeholders for ...
Kris Van Bael's user avatar
11 votes

Is programming a website for mobile first really necessary?

Mobile first is best practice -- it's not law, and if you understand why you "should" be using it, you can make an informed decision as to why you don't want to use it on a particular project, and ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
11 votes

How to indicate dark mode / light mode options on a user interface?

You could simply be straight forward with it....
Scott's user avatar
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11 votes

How to quickly generate rectangles in place of text

You can use any text you like (e.g. a Lorem Ipsum text) and use a tool that supports Regular Expressions, such as Notepad++. Search: \S (upper case S), \S means "no whitespace" (a lower case ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
10 votes

Why are these two designs considered outdated and old-fashioned?

Okay.. simply looking at the first design... This is merely my opinion.... First. The logo needs to be reworked. it is the #1 factor lending things to a "dated" or "old-fashioned" ...
Scott's user avatar
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9 votes

The effectiveness of the hamburger menu in 2016

I think the hambuerger menu is recognizable by the vast majority of users nowadays, when in the right context. In your example, I do not think it is obvious. I usually expect to see the icon for ...
spiral's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does material design recommend a 2dp border radius for buttons?

The answer to your question lies in the psychological concept called Contour Bias as illustrated in the book Universal Principles of Design. As the book quotes: Objects with pointed features ...
ikartik90's user avatar
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9 votes

Do I need to be Creative and Artistic to be a graphic designer?

Yes But being creative or artistic does not necessarily mean "ability to draw". Creativity is a must-have. A good designer needs to be able to imagine/see information in various constructs, ...
Scott's user avatar
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9 votes

How to quickly generate rectangles in place of text

If seeking something which does not possess font dependencies... Option 1 for Illustrator... Draw strokes.. then erase... Chances are I'd do this once and save it to a Symbol Library so I could ...
Scott's user avatar
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8 votes

Sketch 3 Text Wrap

"You can't get there from here." This is a GLARING omission from an otherwise excellent app, which should include the layout capabilities of all basic CSS. Float/wrap is intrinsic to web layout and ...
dashard's user avatar
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8 votes

Meanings of mouseover colors (outlines) in Adobe Illustrator?

Color of the outline does not mean object type. Color is associated with the layer, as such it is something you define. So it has no intrinsic meaning beyond what you want it to have. You can change ...
joojaa's user avatar
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8 votes

User Input Color Restrictions

I'd stay away from showing all color options in a color picker like this for a couple reasons: 1) it's frustrating for a user to see (or even choose) options that they can't end up having. And more ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
  • 13.4k
8 votes

Why large companies never use flat design?

Because they are not followers of trends. They are trend setters. Whole thing about Apple is "think different". You got 20 e-mails with "see what's IN in design in 201X" and it's something that Big ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
7 votes

professional design of an extremely slim vertical menu

Consider using established UI patterns like the burger menu icon or an arrow to show that there is a draw or menu. The icon is enough for people to know there is navigation / settings to be clicked. ...
Consume Coffee's user avatar
7 votes

Icons for cell padding adjustments

I think you can keep your two icons and they will look much cleaner once you remove the arrows. You could also try using a color other than green, a lot of people (myself included) find green hard to ...
pixelfairy's user avatar
7 votes

Noto Sans vs. Noto Sans UI

Some simple google search gave me the Guidelines for using Noto, and in there you find: For an Arabic website that needs to use an UI font for UI elements, such as buttons and tabs, that have more ...
Luciano's user avatar
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7 votes

The graphic design theory behind the landing page

Blame the grid frameworks like 960.gs and Bootstrap. They made it very easy to build this exact layout: http://getbootstrap.com/examples/carousel/ These frameworks solved a lot of the problems of ...
TunaMaxx's user avatar
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7 votes

Complex Rounded Corners in Ai or Sketch

Any AI version Draw a circle Object > Path > Add Anchor Points Select the 4 original anchors on the circle Double-click the Scale Tool and enter a value less than 100%. Roughly 90-95% will provide ...
Scott's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I combine rounded and sharp corners in the same design?

There are no rules. If it looks right, it's acceptable.
Digital Lightcraft's user avatar
7 votes

How to begin designing PDF Business Reports

It is possible to learn how to do this. However, you should realize that graphic design is a design field you need to know quite much more than, PDF template with different styles to begin with. ...
joojaa's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are these two designs considered outdated and old-fashioned?

This looks exactly like a programmer trying to design something. Unfortunatelly it does not work and it is indeed, very outdated and old-fashioned by today's aesthetics: overall it looks like a ...
Lucian's user avatar
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7 votes

Is a teaser with no image still a teaser?

A "teaser" is typically defined as anything which entices the viewer to look further (or keep watching in the case of multimedia) without actually giving away the "offer". Coming ...
Scott's user avatar
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6 votes

Manage folder path overflow

You can use a chevron << to the left of the folder navigation breadcrumb in case there is no room for all of the folder names. Push the parent folder names to the left giving priority to the ...
iamcastelli's user avatar
6 votes

The effectiveness of the hamburger menu in 2016

Nowadays, it is a well established indicator as a button to reveal a menu. There is no reason to worry that people won't understand what it's for based on the icon alone. However where it's situated ...
Dom's user avatar
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6 votes

Live update duplicate artboards in Illustrator

Symbols Create your first screen, and drag the art to the Symbols Panel. -- Or drag the individual elements to the symbols panel. Symbols act sort of like "master elements". You can then edit the ...
Scott's user avatar
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6 votes

Make Inkscape UI completely dark except the document

I have a similar dark theme. Unfortunately, the background colour of the pasteboard is not styleable separately from the colour of the page. You can use File > Document Properties and "Background ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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6 votes

User Input Color Restrictions

I'm going to be very blunt. We want to allow them the option to customize the background color, as well as the 'highlight' color on their page. Don't. Seriously, don't. Unless you are certain that ...
Vincent's user avatar
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