If I'm limited to only a typeface, can I still use its font variants (like various weights and italics) and have it still be considered only a typeface?

  • I edited your question to more concisely describe what you want to know. If I butchered anything beyond recognition, feel free to edit it back.
    – Vincent
    Jun 27, 2018 at 21:38
  • it's all good now, thanks to you. that's exactly what i wanted to ask. Jun 27, 2018 at 21:39

2 Answers 2


You could use as many font variants within a typeface as you'd want, but don't go overboard.

It is a great idea to limit yourself to only two typefaces for a project. 'Typeface' is the important term here, as opposed to 'font'.* You are free to use any font variants (weights, italics) within the same typeface and still retain the uniformity that the two-typeface rule was meant to create. Don't use too many different ones, though--dont be tempted to put all 16 weights of Montserrat into your branding project, unless it is a huge project and sixteen different use cases are required.

*A typeface is a collection of fonts. Helvetica is a typeface; Helvetica bold and Helvetica black italic are fonts.

  • 1
    Such a kludge (collection of loosely related things) would present a unique appearance but might end up entirely unreadable and if used in a commercial pronounced so differently by announcers that it is unrecognizable. As such, it might become degraded to "that bookstore thing."
    – Stan
    Jun 27, 2018 at 21:59

Yes, of course, within a type face your only options for directing attention are size, weight, skew and position.

You had better use some stylings to distinguish sections of writing.

This is fundamental to typography.

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