I am new to UX design ( zerozero sense on colors choosing colors) and designing my fist website ( socialsocial networking ) based on the logo I have . My logo colors are Tealteal and Orange orange. Based on these colors how do I determine what colors should go well for thedifferent elements?
Background color for website - For example; the background color for website ( Forfor example if we look at facebook Facebook, forbased on their blue color logo they use an AliceBlue EDF0F5 background color)
Regular Text Color , Heading color regular text color, Link color heading color, DIV Border color link color, Link hover color div border color, Subheading color link hover color, Subheading background color .. subheading color, subheading background color?
Are there any tools to generate these colors automatically ? II am following google material designGoogle Material Design guidelines but when choosing the colors tofor the different elements it is all getting messed up ( loosingloosing clarity in Typography typography) . Thank You