I have several svgSVG files and want to create one svgSVG file. According to their file, they all should have a size of 22x22 Pixels. If I open one of those svgSVG files (or import it), there will be a rectangle with the size of 22x22 Pixels and the actual object (icon) will be smaller. So I suppose, inkscapeInkscape somehow deletes the white space sorroundingsurrounding the object.
How can I achieve that when I import a svgSVG file, its size is actually 22x22 pixel? For example with this icon: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme/blob/master/Papirus/22x22/panel/battery-caution.svg Currently. Currently the icon has something about 10x14 Pixels if I import it.