Someone had a similar problem a year ago and this question was already asked and answered regarding Inkscape by someone else a year ago. Here.
The problem is that I'm such a noob on PhotshopPhotoshop that I don't understand the previous answer for Inkscape. What does "Object > Transform dialog has option "Apply to each object separately"" mean?
Can I perform "Object > Transform - Apply to each object separately" in Photoshop?
And especially, what does "Object" mean and where is it?
I don't have any "Object" tab/option in my left-hand corner toolbar and neither in my lateral (left-center) toolbar. Can
Can someone provide me a screenshot of where it is?
I'm requesting for help here because thisI need to rotate a series of individual layers around their own centers - a "transform each" type of forum has already done miraclesoperation in Photoshop.