If the rotation axis was arbitary I wouldn't try to do the same in Inkscape, it would be much easier to use a 3D program (see NOTE1) - no matter the construction has been known hundreds of years as a part of engineering.
The rotated red face would need totally different transformation, so it's constructed indirectly. I skip more general proceedings. As I said, I would use a 3D program to make arbitary rotations with a couple of clicks.
In the next image the faces are redrawn with the pen as closed shapes and colored to white and red:
The corners of the rotated version will fit only in some lucky cases to the original grid - like just in your case the z-edge could be recycled and that made the construction simple.
NOTE1: The next image is a screenshot from a simple 3d CAD program.
Drawing one box with certain dimensions and text is about as complex as making your original box in the grid. But all rotated copies took only a few seconds each. BTW. I switched the projection from isometric to a perspective projection, because for some reason the rotated boxes started soon to look distorted in isometric projection. There's no imaging error, it's a property of human vision.