To have a business running you first need the client to trust you. Then you can deliver goods. The client needs to focus the trust somewhere, your company, your person or references most likely. This is where identity kicks in, identity is what helps people to understand what entity they are dealing with. Developing a identity is called branding. I assume design of webpage page refers to graphics design. Obviously the preliminary plan for your business logic has to come first.
There is no rule that says what the order has to be. Usually logos exist, being most common branding tools, before pages are built. This is especially true if you build on existing trust. There is therefore no reason why they can not be done in parallel if you do not have an existing logo.
Just that designing a good logo is quite involved. Ideally the logo would work also in other contexts than webpages. So a good logo works on business cards, print publications and lightboards. Designing a logo soleysolely on web can make it harder to leveraheleverage on brand in the future. For this reason iI would design logo first, atleastat least slightly before final webpage.
In any case it strongly depends on what your goals are. But if you need a hatdhard fast rule of thumb design logo first. But no reason why one could not iterate the design of logo and webpage a bit.