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Is there anyway to import an image to Incscape. Suppose I have downloaded an Image from internet. Then Imported it to Incscape like this---

[![enter image description here][1]][1]enter image description here

Now I want to change its texture like fill & stroke and blend with my custom svg. Is there any way to do it? [1]:

Is there anyway to import an image to Incscape. Suppose I have downloaded an Image from internet. Then Imported it to Incscape like this---

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Now I want to change its texture like fill & stroke and blend with my custom svg. Is there any way to do it? [1]:

Is there anyway to import an image to Incscape. Suppose I have downloaded an Image from internet. Then Imported it to Incscape like this---

enter image description here

Now I want to change its texture like fill & stroke and blend with my custom svg. Is there any way to do it?

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How to blend an imported image with my custom Incscape file?

Is there anyway to import an image to Incscape. Suppose I have downloaded an Image from internet. Then Imported it to Incscape like this---

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Now I want to change its texture like fill & stroke and blend with my custom svg. Is there any way to do it? [1]: