I'm trying to draw a circle and make it as transparent by removing it. I used the Elliptical Marquee Tool but it cannot be drawn with the same size of the circle that I want to remove. Is there any way to adjust the circle size after it get drawn?
1 Answer
I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are trying to achieve so please forgive me if I got it wrong, but if you use the Ellipse Tool you can set the fill to none, just apply a stroke. If you then also want an inner circle duplicate the Ellipse shape layer, rescale it but while holding down Alt+Shift after you begin dragging, to constrain the circle and scale from the centre, then set the stroke of the inner circle to a different colour.
Also note if you find yourself doing work like this in Photoshop often, ultimately it might be better to have a look at using vector image editing software instead, such as Illustrator/Inkscape/CorelDraw, etc. Commented Aug 14, 2020 at 16:01
Brilliant!! I never have a thought of doing this. Thank you! Commented Aug 18, 2020 at 6:50
Ellipse 1
layer and perhaps making a Duplicate of it (Cmd+J), Free Transforming it (Cmd+T), Making a selection out of it (Cmd+Left-click on the thumbnail).