I want to recreate the effect applied to "VINTAGE" in the image.
I thought it was just creating text with black stroke and duplicating it. Removing the stroke from the duplicate and then moving it to the desired position, but then I noticed that the stroke, if you will, is transparent.There is a gap between the two texts. hmmmm.
Is there a quick way to do this?
EDIT: Trying to get @AndrewH answer to work.
@AndrewH Thanks for the help, but I can't get it to work. I've followed word for word a few times and can't get it. I'll list what I have done. I use the type tool and type out the word. I then resize and add a 4pt stroke with the color red. Fill is black. I then select the text and - "object - transform - move" -4px, 4px and "copy". The new text is already selected. I send it to the back. And I remove the stroke. I use selection tool and select the original text (with stroke) and object - expand with stroke and fill options selected. I then select all on layer (both texts) and use "trim" option. All that happens is the red stroke disappears on the original.