i work for an advertising company and i create responsive email flyers. the image starts at a pdf and i put this into photoshop to slice and add URLs, once added i can save for web design and it nicely put this into an images folder and a separate html file
this is perfect for the basics however i need to make this Responsive i am able to keep it in the middle with the traditional 600px applied however when it goes smaller than this image (screen size i.e. iPhone 4,5 etc) it becomes an issue and i have to start side scrolling.... very unprofessional.
is there a quick way to be able to code so no matter how big/small the screen size is it will adjust accordingly
i have tried media queries till i have gone blue in the face lol however have had no luck
is there a fast and productive way this can be done
Yea i have the full adobe CC packages and looked at a few of the products like muze and code but they seem to be too sluggish
I have used media quries and tried to simplify my code by using blocks which gives me a smooth rescale without it snapping to a new res which am happy about as it makes my designs look fluent and flow better
Theres is still a few issues i have so not sure if anybody can help with this...
As it is a email E-Flyer it has to be 1 html file and a image folder so all css javascript is in-line code
The main issue i face now is compatability i have designed my code in Chrome as the developer options in 'inspect element' is f**kin awesome however gettin it to work on all platforms: safari, firefox, outlook seems to be my next challenge
Is it possible to do a generic plugin or perhaps a default code i could you to help woth compatbility .