I have provided a lot of PSDs with lots of content to a coder. There were 50+ PSD and it took a team of 4 people 2 months to build them. Furthermore, the content was in Spanish and the coder doesn't speak the language. So talking to him I asked for an ETA and he told me "it will be quite fast, I already have the content extracted" which was really weird since I gave him the PSDs a couple hours before that.
So he sent me a page, and found this inside pre
tags at the end of the file (just a short snippet, the file is like 10x bigger):
somethingsomething es una aplicación que reúne a amigos para que participen y apuiesten en desafíos, generando una divertida interacción y una experiencia inmersiva que son claves en cualquier aplicación exitosa.
El negocio de somethingsomething es el ego. Se puede apostar sobre trend topics, alardear de las victorias en las redes y tener herramientas de alarde frente a oponentes.
¡Asociate al éxito de somethingsomething!
¡Ser parte de esta startup es muy fácil! No hacen falta grandes inversiones, podés invertir cualquier cantidad con la que te sientas cómodo y tener un porcentaje de equities. ¡A mayor inversión, mayor porcentaje del negocio!
bg (28,131,210) #1c83d2
¡Asociate a somethingsomething YA!
bg (26,188,156) #1abc9c | color overlay -> 60% black |-> (10,75,62) #0a4b3e
bg (26,188,156) #1abc9c | color overlay -> 0% black |-> (26,188,156) #1abc9c
bg (26,188,156) #1abc9c | color overlay -> 15% black |-> (22,160,133) #16a085
bg (26,188,156) #1abc9c | color overlay -> 30% black |-> (18,131,109) #12836d
bg (26,188,156) #1abc9c | color overlay -> 45% black |-> (14,103,86) #0e6756
¡Tu inversión hace que somethingsomething esté más cerca de hacerse realidad y generarte dividendos!
¡Asociate a somethingsomething YA!
H -> (33,33,33) #212121
p -> (51,51,51) #333333
? -> (125,148,44) #7d942c
I'm aware of Bramus and Omgmog scripts, but never saw this kind of output. Unfortunately, almost immediately after this the programmer let us hanging and we no longer work together, so I can not ask him how he did it.
Any ideas on how to do this or what script did he use? I'm 90% certain he used Photoshop, but maybe he used something else