I am tasked with taking a normal picture and tracing the geometric design in Adobe Illustrator and saving as an SVG. I have traced simple shapes and saved as SVG before, but this particular image really has me scratching my head. I will attach a small version here for reference:
What I have tried
I have since went forward with the custom brush pattern approach. It got me surprisingly close as you will see below. I drew a circle and chose the custom brush, then I used Effect>>Distort>>Distort and Transform to make 6 concentric circles (there are 6 circles in the original picture, if I'm not mistaken). I scaled them at 92% which resulted in a nice transition of 1 circle to the next smaller circle, however it left me with a lot of empty space in the middle. I'm not sure how to get the scaling right; perhaps I need to make my custom brush thicker? My custom brush is provided to the right of the satellite mock-up.
Even after I get the scaling/copying just right, the issue of the 3/4 perspective is unresolved.
I will leave my original question here so as not to invalidate any existing answers.
Question: Is there a fairly time-efficient technique that Adobe Illustrator can bring to bear for a task like this? Any help big or small will be appreciated, thank you.
Optional Question: Is my custom brush technique going to pan out? I'm still stuck at the scaling and how to rotate the perspective to match the original picture. I would appreciate any specific tips with regards to those problems.
Further Clarification
- Need to retain as much of the underlying geometry as possible
- Result should resemble a wire-frame, nearly as complex but high resolution (or infinitely scalable)
- Need to export or save as SVG
- The three prongs that stick out could be traced the old-fashioned way easy enough, so the focus will be on the circular geometry and all the criss-crossing lines