I am currently in the process of creating a logo for myself, within Photoshop. I know many may say that using Illustrator or Vector may be better but I am using the logo as an opportunity to learn more about Photoshop.
I understand that there are no 'standard dimensions' for logos, since the logo dimensions will be influenced by its purpose.
The logo will primarily be required for:
- Website & Favicon
- Social Media Channels: Profile and Hero/Headers
- Stationery
With the above in mind, I am under the impression that I would need to create a logo to factor in each of the above dimensions. Over time, I will end up having a lot of files for various purposes.
Is this the 'best practice' or is there a way to create 1 or 2 (primary and secondary for example) logos which scale up and down as is necessary for each of the above?
I have heard about the use of proportions over dimensions. Would this be a better approach? If so, how would I go about the use of proportions? For example, say I open a new File in Photoshop, what dimensions would I insert, when thinking about the proportions approach?
If proportions was the better approach, how would I establish the correct proportions, as to ensure they fit the various purposes, outlined above?
Note: I understand how to work out proportions. For example: 600px by 300px would be 1:2 and 900px by 300px would be 1:3 etc. Where I am uncertain, is the application of proportions and any best practices which should be considered, when working with dimensions and/or proportions.