I found this simple tutorial on how to make a water texture. I quite like the look of the texture for the theme of the game I'm working on, but I can't figure out how to recreate it. I don't have the gradient that is referred to and there aren't attachments on the page. It looks like the site isn't used any more. I tried as many variations as I could, but I get way too many "waves" on the lava texture that are too thin and I can't find a gradient that works well. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the texture/gradient?

Here are the instructions given:

  1. Start with new image of desired dimensions

  2. Go through menus Script-Fu > Render > Lava, a new window will appear, select gradient named Horizon 2 (if you do not have this gradient in list, then download attached file, I do not remember from where I downloaded this file, credit goes to respective author. And if you do not know how to bring this gradient in list, see FAQs).


enter image description here

  • Personally I use Solid noise for this, with different values for X and Y to obtain horizontal waves.
    – xenoid
    Commented May 15, 2018 at 9:07

2 Answers 2


You can download the Horizon2 gradient here - put it in your GIMP gradients folder - on Windows it's located at C:\Users\Your User Name\.gimp-2.8\gradients folder, then restart GIMP.

Running the filter as described in the tutorial works for me, but it only seems to work on small image files, I can see no way to scale up the effect. Changing the size in the filter results in something that looks nothing like water. I guess you could just rescale the result, although it will be a bit blurry, but since water is blurry anyway it might still look OK.

At original size

enter image description here

Scaled up 4x

enter image description here


Something can also be painted. Not so fine painting skills of course make the result a little clumpy, but it can still be useful.

An example:

enter image description here

A few white strokes are drawn. The thinning was created by setting "velocity tapering" on. It makes the line thicker where you draw slower.

I haven't any tools for painting more finely controlled strokes (nor skills to control it, if I had), but that can be faked with filters. Here Distort > Ripple is applied:

enter image description here

Because the image is quite random, it is useful to flip it to get the most dense part to the foreground. A perspective transform is used to make the dense part even more present:

enter image description here

  • Great example - thanks for the high level of detail
    – rphello101
    Commented May 16, 2018 at 2:04

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