I'm creating a vertical scrolling interactive wizard and currently have 12+ huge 1440x6519 artboards in InVision Studio for this one project. I only need one artboard really, but with each Next button/progression I have layers coming in and out and it seems the only way InVision Studio can animate is by going from artboard to artboard.
Also I know Studio (beta) is having some issues with being a bit laggy right now, but with all these artboards it's really crawling and I'm hoping to solve this with one artboard where someone could click elements within, and progress through the animation.
Hopefully I'm wrong and you can animate within an artboard with a click of a layer, but haven't been able to find anything. In the end I'd love to create something like this.
Is this possible within InVision Studio using one artboard, or is there a way to do this an easier way?