Icopied this from https://www.quora.com/Can-I-use-comics-characters-without-copyright-issue I hope it helps !
Not normally, no. Copyright lasts generations, so I assume the work you want to copy is still protected by copyright. For a copyright owned by a company, the U.S. copyright lasts 95 years. I can't imagine some character that old is of interest to you.
There is a very, very narrow exception to copyright. In the U.S., this is fair use. (In other countries, their laws are far less generous. Or even non-existent.)
Fair use requires:
Minimal use of the original work.
Substantial addition on your part.
Does not harm a potential revenue source for the owner.
Fits into narrowly allowed uses: review, parody, criticism, academic use.
So, for using a character, in practice you have to create your own story in which the original character is parodied. Note: satire, in which you make fun of a unrelated thing by using characters from another source, is not parody. Parody is making fun of the original work.
Let's imagine you wanted to make use of Spider Man. You cannot:
Create new storylines that use this character, a narrative comic of your own.
Create a movie featuring that character.
Use that character on backpacks and apparel.
Show frames from Spider Man comics on your website.
You can:
Make a parody of Spider Man, such as a movie that turns the hero into a witless buffoon: Superhero Movie (2008)
Use the name of the character, by accident or on purpose, in a way that does not infringe on existing trademarks.