Say you have a sentence like this:

I am an \adef{example} sentence about \acite{foo.com}.

Where \adef is marking it as a definition and \acite is marking it as a citation. The citation would be put in the bibliography, and the definition would be defined in the glossary. But I'm wondering how typically to visually show this.

I am an exampleᵈ² sentence about foo.comᶜ⁹.

Wondering if it should be done sort of like that, or if there is a better way to tell someone that "hey this has a definition" or "hey this has a citation".

This is monochrome, so no color as well. There are also already "links" which are underlined.

Also, sometimes words might be 2 or 3 word combos, like "Open Source", so like

I am an exampleᵈ² sentence about open sourceᶜ⁹.

That doesn't quite seem right.

1 Answer 1


This is a graphic designers site, perhaps an expert within the publishing area give a more technical answer. Are the icons allowed?

Using Zapf Dingbat: enter image description here

Using Wingdings 2: enter image description here

Using Zapf Dingbat: enter image description here

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