I'm using a set of pictures in a colour-themed report. Please take a look at the pictures below. The theme colour is RGB{52,177,201}
I would like to alter the images slightly, more specifically, alter the blue background and make it look more related to colour RGB{52,177,201}
. Note that the width:height ratio should remain 2:1.
The reason for doing so, is to make the report look more consistent from the perspective of colouring.
Does anybody have a suggestion to how to approach the problem? Is there a simple way to achieve this.
As of now, I'm starting to become familiar with adobe Illustrator. However, every advice/help is much appreciated.
EDIT: I would like to mention that the first picture meets already a 'fitting' colouring background. Secondly, I am not intending to remove the background, rather changing the background colouring.
ETA from comments
What I have tried so far, is making use of tints and matching the color with swatches. This was all done in adobe Illustrator. However, this didn't give me a satisfactory result. The reason why I added photoshop, is that I presumed that the problem might be better addressed in Photoshop, as this is a pixelated image. For now, I have little to no experience in Photoshop. Nevertheless, I am willing to start photoshop if adobe illustrator is not sufficient.
The images are PNGs. I am not intending to remove the background, rather making it more matching with the first image. From my experience, removing backgrounds does not give the desired results. The contrast between the image and background became too big. Of course, could be due to my limited skillset. Nevertheless, the main issue is altering the blue-colour. Not removing.