So I have an image like this:
I created a layer mask, and painted with a large feathery brush on the mask to remove the background as best as I could, and then ran it through a plugin, result in this:
It is far from the "background removal" effect I was hoping for, more along the lines of this:
My question for this one is fairly narrow. How do I create a sort of pseudo-radial gradient, basically a fade-out "flow map" around the subject of the photo? Sort of like this:
The darker black rays extending from the subject in the center symbolizes the "gaussian gradient" effect I am trying to achieve.
Basically, I know how I can create a linear and a radial gradient. So I would create several masks at different angles using a linear gradient. But that seems like kind of a hack. Is there no way to simply draw around the subject of the photo with some tool, and have it use that lasso as the starting point for a gradient, to which the gradient would flow outwards from each normal vector from the border of the lasso (sort of thing). How can I accomplish something like this? If I am way off base, which direction would be a more suitable one to try?
I tried this to (a) remove the background on one layer, then lower the transparency to 50% on the first layer (of the whole image), then combine the layers. Doing that gave me a janky cutout of the subject, whereas I would prefer a more fadeout approach, so not sure how to do that yet. But the result is slightly better since now the background is more removed.
I tried this only to get a slightly better result:
But I don't know how to get the masking just perfect, nor how to have the background sort of feather-fade out.
Perhaps this is what I want.
I also tried this, but didn't seem to get very good results. Maybe it takes practice, would be good to know. Here's what that looked like:
This is helpful. Here's what it's like with a blurred oval vignette to transparency.
Edit Here's what I did, please let me know how to do it better.
- Duplicated background image layer.
- In duplicated layer, drew around it with the magic tool. Just enough to roughly cover the subjects.
- Select > Modify > Expand, by like 40px, to expand the selection so it was definitely outside of the subject roughly.
- Right click, "select and mask", and then feathered the selection a little bit so it didn't form a sharp border.
- Copied the second layer into a third layer.
- Reselect the 3rd layer's lasso.
- Extend it outward by like an inch, so it covered a much more blobby area around the subject.
- Feathered that and decreased opacity further. Made sure it blended with the other layers.
- Low opacity on the original full background image.
End result was something like this:
Then it turned into this:
Still not that great. I would like for it to have the qualities:
- Only really show the main subjects clearly. So maybe I need to better select these out.
- Create a curve like an exponential fade-out from the subject to the background, so there is a smooth transition from subject to background. That was the hardest part. I would like for the background to start of relatively faint next to the subjects, then fade out broadly so it forms like a vignette, yet isn't overpowering. The main this is how to do the boundary between the subject and the background initially, so it doesn't chop or form a line. I need a blur curve controller or something, I don't know.
If anyone knows how to improve this please let me know. Thank you.
Still not that great :/
(not a shape), then right-click the document and selectMake selection
then press delete. You may have to convert the background layer into a regular layer before that. Rectangular marquee tool would probably do just fine too, but it's not a bad practice to use pen tool when the selection is more than a few clicks since the path created by pen tool is a bit more permanent in a sense and you can make curved paths if you feel like that is needed and the path can be edited after the points have been laid down.