I'm trying to follow this tutorial to create an iPhone from scratch in Illustrator. I'm onto step 18 and cannot seem to create the pattern needed.
My problem is this, after creating the layout of objects that are to make up my pattern, I need to select an area(rectangle) within this layout and use that area to create the actual pattern, the tutorial I'm following along with an Adobe tutorial tell me to do as follows:
1. Create a rectangle within the guide borders
2. Send rectangle to back
3. Set opacity of the rectangle to 0%
4. Select all
5. Edit > Define Pattern… and name it "Dot Pattern".
When I choose Select > all, everything in my file gets selected, not just the pattern, when I don't choose Select > all and just leave the rectangle highlighted, my pattern turns out as a blank white area.
I have never used Illustrator prior to this to this tutorial so please be detailed in your responses.