I am interested in creating motion graphics that involve 2D and 3D components which are coordinated to one another, as in this example, which is likely made in Processing. Another example of what I am after is science fiction interfaces, which often involve paired 2D and 3D elements. I assume that these interfaces are usually composited in After Effects, but I am curious if other software exists, as After Effects does not seem to be very effective at coordinating between 2D and 3D elements (e.g., making a 2D element move in relation to a 3D one).
I can achieve this using WebGL and JavaScript libraries like three.js as well.
These programming libraries require that I code 3D graphics manually, which is less efficient than using software like TouchDesigner, which can achieve similar 3D effects but without 2D elements, as far as I know.
In short, what software exists for developing coordinated 2D and 3D motion graphics? If a particular program does not have this capability, what software workflows might support it?