A client recently asked me if I was able to help him with a project to create a holographic 3D model on their business card, whose perspective would change as you orient the card, such as the mouse on top of this page, or the famous dove that Kurt Roald designed and that is visible on everyone's payment card.
Of course the client isn't Visa, and they're not trying to make millions of cards, maybe up to a thousand. We can use either a 3D model, or a set of photos of real life object (extruded logo of the company) - we have both.
The project is really interesting, and I really wish I could help and learn more in the process, but the world of holographic design seems pretty closed off. Some vendors on Alibaba do Holographic printing, but they do not seem to be of a 3D photo or model, just a few vector 2D designs laid out on top of each other.