Is there a way to use transform effect to scale to a specific measurement instead of percentage?

I have ran into this thread but it talks about the "transform each" tool and not the transform effect

for example -

here is an example of a wanted result

enter image description here

you can see that the distance between the stars is fixed

here is an example of a the same thing using transform effect

enter image description here

you can see that the distance between the stars is getting shorter

1 Answer 1


Use a step blend instead.

  1. Create a star with a stroke and no fill, then do Object > Transform > Scale. Make sure to uncheck "Scale Strokes and Effects", increase the scale as required, then hit Copy to create a larger star.

enter image description here

  1. Select both stars, and do Object > Blend > Make

  2. Do Object > Blend > Blend Options. Choose "Specified Steps". Apply the number of steps required.


enter image description here

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