Pixabay states in their licence terms that
What is not allowed?
This section only applies to image users and not to the appropriate image authors.
✕ Don't redistribute or sell someone else's Pixabay images or videos on other stock or wallpaper platforms.
✕ Don't sell unaltered copies of an image. e.g. sell an exact copy of a stock photo as a poster, print or on a physical product.
✕ Don't portray identifiable people in a bad light or in a way that is offensive.
✕ Don't use images with identifiable brands to create a misleading association with a product or service.
How should I interpret the bold part? I understand that selling a product where the image is the substance of the product (the product is blank/worthless without it), like a poster is not allowed (no one would buy a blank poster), but what if the image is complimentary, ie. in a book where the product itself doesn't rely on containing the image to be sold. The product would cost the same regardless of containing the image.
Further, does "Don't sell unaltered copies" mean that altered ones can be sold? How much would it have to be altered?
It is obvious to me that no one except their legal team could answer this exactly, therefore I am interested in experienced opinions. I think their wording is simple, but a little vague.