I've been working with FW for a little while now, and I've come to using symbols for sections of a site in my designs. Mostly things like a header or a footer and the occasional sidebar.
These parts of the site don't change very often so to make things a bit more modular I make them symbols and edit them if needed and the changes are global for those items.
One of the things I am trying to achieve here is to be able to make the slices I'll need for like the navigation or the cart icon of a e-commerce store.
While I can do it easily, I'd like it to be within the symbol (I have made slices within a symbol but it doesn't seem to carry over into the common library symbol) that way I can keep it in my common library to basically put together the pieces of a page that I know will be there and have the slices already made if I need to make a new page for my layout on a website.
I'm curious if someone has this same problem and looking for the same answer as me or even a work around. I think this would greatly increase anyone's workflow when designing a website that they want to show to a client as a prototype.