I found a great reference on here for using Grep to remove a double space in a data merge if some names have a middle initial but others do not. But what do you do if the issue is at the start of the name. For example
<< Title >> << First >> << Last >>
<< address >>
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
123 Apple Street
But the next person and or business does not have a title
( )Bob Brown
432 Peach Lane
( )The Grant Group
795 Grape Circle
How to you remove the space before the Name field if there is no title.
I'm assuming you can use a different GREP formula to achieve this but I can't figure it out. Looking for a way to do in Indesign and not editing the OG Excel file.
This is the middle double space thread for reference. How to auto delete a space left after a data merge in InDesign?
what you look for? This will match a whitespace in the start of a line^\s
and replace with nothing.