It is possible to do this in illustrator without cranking up the calculator (it is also slightly more accurate as typed numbers only come with 5 digits of precission). 2 ways in fact.
Method one. Draw a line that represents your measurement. Copy the line and scale the original it to the size you wish the line to be. Make sure the measurement line is below the line you use as current scale and that they share one endpoint. Select your image and original measurement line. Switch to scale tool (no dont use the selection tool), click on the common end of measurement lines this puts the scale pivot to that point there. Then holding shift, drag the endpoint of your original measurement line. Done.
Thigs to watch out for this method does not work if your line is near horizontal or vertical as that would trigger nonuniform scale. So rotate your image first.
there is another variation of this theme but i will not describe it.
You can also use illustrator as a calculator. Every illustrator input does allow you to type in math functions as long as there is just one function. You can allwsy tab out to add more calcualation.