Basically when someone gives me a PSD that has a bunch of copy and other things that I need to quickly strip off to use the background on a web page. What are the fastest ways to clear that and start new.

Currently I save a copy. Then start deleting the layers that will not be used as web backgrounds.

But then what? I remember a keyboard shortcut in Photoshop to copy and then paste to a new document, and when copied it came down to the size of the remaining object (not the original canvas size).

1 Answer 1


Right-Click (Windows) or Control-Click (Macintosh) on a highlighted layer or a series of highlighted layers and choose Duplicate Layer(s).... from the contextual menu.

Choose "New" from the destination drop down and click OK.

This will open a new document the same size as the original with only the layer(s) you have highlighted in the Layers Panel.

  • Ok, cool. I guess all the layers though were built on the same size canvas, so hard to strip out the logos for my original intended purpose. But your answer worked fine.
    – JGallardo
    Commented Dec 25, 2012 at 23:52
  • You could always use Image > Trim to crop the canvas to the size of the artwork if that's needed.
    – Scott
    Commented Dec 25, 2012 at 23:55

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