I'm trying to use Image Trace to turn raster images into vector images. I've tried it with pngs with no background as well as jpegs with white backgrounds. Here's what's been happening:
- I select the image I want to trace.
- I make sure Preview is not selected.
- I select Ignore White.
- I go to the Preset menu and select the preset I want.
- Suddenly, instantly, Preview selects itself, Ignore White becomes deselected, and the trace starts.
- I have to wait for the trace to finish.
- The trace produces an image with a white background.
- Once the trace is all done, I can go back, deselect Preview, select Ignore White again, and press the Trace button.
- The trace happens again, and finally I get an image with a transparent background.
This isn't how it's supposed to work, is it? How can I get it to ignore white the first time?