Is there a (free) software for fitting splines to line graphics?
For example, I would like to sketch something on my android tablet or scan sketch and then place some nodes at the shape, and afterward, the vector graphic program should fit the spline to the lines.
This can't be too hard to implement, but I didn't find programs with such a feature.
I am not looking for vectorization like potrace
(and the corresponding Inkscape binding) does it, as it results in hard to work with shapes. I am looking for a program, which fits splines to drawn paths. I have no problem placing a few landmark points before the spline is fitted to the drawn path.
Input image:
My preparation:
The result with manual fitting:
My question is about automating the last step.
It's not dumb smoothing, but finding the spline which fits to the curve in the bitmap image and to just that curve (among others) that I pointed by clicking a poly-line.