I am far from a skilled artist, so sorry if the question has a common answer. I couldn't find anything, but perhaps my lack of knowledge on the subject prevents me from even knowing what to be searching for. I am using gimp, if that changes anything.
As the title says, I'm trying to remove a transparent colored bar from an semi complex image. The bar in question goes over several different colors and shades. The only color information i have available to me is a sample of the original color from a non-covered region, and the same color from under the colored area.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to solve, incase my explanation isn't clear enough. Using the information only available in this image, would it be reasonable possible to remove the orange area?
Any help at all would be appreciated.
Edit: Due to the sample image not being fully representative of the problem in question, i've created a more accurate sample image.
Original image from "@Daue0526Zg" on twitter, I merely edited it for for an example of the problem.