My question is very similar to this one:
Changing hex color of a graphic
I just want to change the hex color of the shell graphic from #53767F to #375459:
According to the top answer in that question, I need to add a solid color adjustment layer above the image and enter the hex color that I want in the field.
That's what I'm trying to do - I'm adding a solid color adjustment layer by doing:
Layer > New Fill Layer, and choose an option - Solid Color, Gradient, or Pattern. Name the layer, set layer options, and click OK.
Well, this seems to change the background to the color that I'm looking for, but not the actual color of the shell graphic. What am I doing wrong here? The blend mode was set to color, as was suggested. I also tried changing the blend mode to hue, but it didn't seem to make a difference. The background is still there. I just want to make the shell graphic a darker green - #375459 - and preserve the transparent background.