I have a PowerPoint premium template (attached). I don't know how, but it crops every image to a special styled shape. Any idea how can I do that in case I want to change these shapes? I have checked the master view and got nothing there too, this cropping style is a simple shape but in PowerPoint, we have no tool to draw it.
2 Answers
You could do this with a png overplayed onto the image – as png images support transparency you can create a white image with 'a hole' of the shape you want to mask.
But I think in this case they probably imported an svg, used 'Convert to Shape' and added an image into the shape.
Yeah, it is masking; thanks. Now, I can search for a relevant tool. Commented Aug 29, 2021 at 4:20
So basically on your master template you add an image placeholder and the shape you want to crop it (mentioned before it can be a SVG then converted to shape). Select both and on Shape Format > Merge Shapes > Intersect. You will then have a custom shape placeholder. Hope it helps.