How to make the same gradient on two paths under and above a specific shape?

image with path

Layer structure:

  • the first layer contains the first path above
  • group with circle and some stroke layers
  • behind layer that contains the second part behind a circle

The issue is - I have a gradient on the front path and in the behind layer I choose a similar color and fill this out with it. In a result there is small issue with colors. Because paths were split I've got an issue after I export it to SVG like this: enter image description here

Do you have any advice on how to do it? I tried to make a group and choose a gradient for the group but it's not possible because as a result, my circle will be behind or above a specific group.

2 Answers 2


Do not split the gradient path. Hide a part of it with a clipping or opacity mask.An example:

enter image description here

The ring is the top layer. The black piece is inserted and used to hide a part of the ring as inverted clipping mask.

The perfectly fitting mask path can be got with pathfinder subtraction from the copy of the mid-shape.


You could use a Clipping Mask...

Draw an extra path around what you want to show on top.

enter image description here

Select this extra path and the shape you want on top and choose Object > Clipping Mask > Make from the menu

enter image description here

The tricky part is you need this clipping path to align with the shape underneath.. so that generally means zooming in and carefully positioning the path.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Why wouldnt you just copy, and expand copy then shapebuild the mask?
    – joojaa
    Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 19:15
  • yeah.. could @joojaa I was just winging it quickly. And explaining those steps is much more for a new user to follow... but you're right :)
    – Scott
    Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 20:17

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