Disclaimer: I'm very new to Inkscape and have almost no experience in graphic design, I'm just getting started.
I'm trying to create an object with certain areas be either transparent or always filled with white. I've used squares, lines, and circles to make the following:
The top-right circle is transparent and does not change color when I change the fill color of the object (this is what I want to happen). However, the bottom one is always treated as a fill area. I tried to make a white circle and combine both images but it doesn't seem to work for the bottom circle for some reason. What I tried:
- Object to path: no fill is there to be removed
- Combine: everything is deleted
- Exclusion: removes the left-hand straight lines and makes remaining lines sharp-edged
- Difference: removes the left-hand straight lines and increases the size of some of the lines
- Union: removes the light-hand straight lines and fills the bottom circle with the same color as the object above
Also, for some reason the fill is always half-way to transparent even though the fill color is set to be 100% opaque.
This is most likely a super-beginner question but if anyone could help out here it'd be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I can even make the bottom circle transparent as evident with the checkered background, but if I apply a fill to the whole selection it also fills the bottom circle but not the right-hand one: