I want to build very large and detailed vectors to be used as map-like interfaces (via PDF viewers).

macOS Preview for viewing allows you to zoom to 30x (3000%).

I tried web based Figma, but this crashes my browser tab.

Sketch seems to work.

Are there any other macOS vector editor programs that would perform well with a lot of items on the canvas?

  • 1
    ermmm.. Inscape, Adobe Illustrator... "Preview" is not a vector application.
    – Scott
    Jun 1, 2022 at 20:27
  • Preview is a vector viewer (PDF's contain vectors). Have updated my question.
    – zino
    Jun 1, 2022 at 20:33
  • 1
    Yes its a PDF viewer (one of the worst), in that respect Preview is no different than a web browser to view a PDF. Preview is dumb as to what's vector and what isn't. It merely reads the PDF.
    – Scott
    Jun 1, 2022 at 20:37
  • My experience is different. Preview uses the least CPU/RAM and has highest FPS of most of the vector viewers I have tried.
    – zino
    Jun 1, 2022 at 20:52
  • 1
    Preview fails in many areas - overprints, spot colors, etc. And it's not a "vector viewer", it's a PDF viewer. It's the PDF that is creating raster previews based upon the PDFs internal vector data. If Preview works for you that's great. Continue using it. But it's the PDF which is doing the work. Preview is merely faster for you because it's a local app and not an online viewer. Yes Preview is far better than web browser PDF plug ins.. but it also pales in comparison to Acrobat or Reader - actual PDF tools.
    – Scott
    Jun 1, 2022 at 21:04


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