How can I replace images in an array of images in Photoshop, such that the image retains all its properties?

I created a layer with an image and skewed the image to have a perspective look. I then duplicated that layer twice. I want to change the images in the other copies without having to manually do it.

I tried

  • Turning image into smart object and doing "replace contents". Image was replaced, but the skew didn't apply
  • Created an action
  • Doing it in InDesign

I have seen this kind of thing before in isometric UX website design mockups with many different mockups in the composite (I think I'm using the right terms). So, there must be an easy way to do it that essentially automates the process, but I haven't found it yet.

Here is a screenshot of my LinkedIn banner. The 3 monitors on the right are what I'm talking about:

Eric Hepperle's LinkedIn profile banner with 3 monitors on left

I hope this makes sense. If it doesn't, please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify.

1 Answer 1


You need to turn the layer into a Smart Object first, then transform/skew it. Converting a layer to a Smart Object after transformations is not the same. If you skew an existing Smart object, the skew is retained if you replace the SO contents.

If you want 3 layers, each with different contents, but the same transformations...

  • Start with a standard layer
  • Convert it to a Smart Object
  • Transform/Skew it how you want.
  • Highlight the Smart Object layer in the Layers Panel and then choose New Smart Object Via Copy from the Layers Panel Menu. (NOTE: This command is not the same as merely duplicating a Smart Object layer, although it may seem like it is by the name.)
  • You can then replace the contents of the new Smart Object layer without altering the contents of any other Smart Object layers.

The menu item will create a new, unlinked, Smart Object with the same transformations. Replacing the contents of this new Smart Object, won't replace the contents of other smart objects.


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