I'm looking for fonts, available from Google Webfonts (ideally) or Typekit, that would look similar to Avenir Next Pro, specifically, Bold and Demi:
Any similar-looking fonts, with good cross-browser rendering?
I'm looking for fonts, available from Google Webfonts (ideally) or Typekit, that would look similar to Avenir Next Pro, specifically, Bold and Demi:
Any similar-looking fonts, with good cross-browser rendering?
Nunito is really quite different to Avenir - the letters are quite rounded.
I've done some serious work on this for a client and found the Google font Lato is virtually indistinguishable from Avenir - you can literally put two words in the two fonts next to each other and not tell the difference.
If you really want to use a Google Font, I highly suggest using NUNITO. It has 3 styles: Book, Normal, and Bold. Here is a sample comparison between Book 300 and Avenir: https://web.archive.org/web/20140415053621/http://joelcrawfordsmith.com/new/font/avenir The sentence length is a perfect match and x-height is great. Its only fault is that the ascenders and descenders are a tiny bit shorter.
I think Museo Sans is good enough:
On Google fonts there is also Montserrat could be used for some words :)
I ended up using Muli from Google Fonts, I think it's pretty close:
I have found Prompt to be very close to Avenir Next Pro within google fonts.
You can check the comparison here
FYI, for the lighter AvenirNext faces, don't overlook Ideal Sans. They are virtually identical. I haven't compared the heavier weights, but for the lighter, this is my go-to. Yes, the lower-case g is different, but otherwise, it's pretty good. I realize I'm necro-posting, but for anyone else that comes along:
Avenir is available for the web at fonts.com
I believe that Sofia Pro Light from Font Squirrel is a close match.
No no, Nunito or Lato are very different to my eyes. I've done a lot of work around this and found the below fonts pretty similar if treated with attention (font size, weight, letter spacing):
(from TypeKit)
The question is by now three years old, but I really feel I should mention League Spartan from the League of Movable Type. It's not from Google Fonts, but it's free and Open Source:
The League has given only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts
Not sure if this is the best place but you wont go far wrong with either of these
Except for the uppercase "Q" and the lower height of the ascenders, Proxima Nova on Typekit is quite close.
Nunito is an excellent alternative to Avenir. The ascenders are slightly higher in Avenir but even the most persnickety designer would have a hard time telling them apart. It can be found at http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Nunito it has 3 styles created by Vernon Adams
Nunito (Book 300)
I've been hunting for a good replacement for this. Open Sans, Source Sans Pro, and all the other popular sans-serif fonts on Google Fonts are really nothing like Avenir Next. Avenir Next is a thin font. I used this filtering on Google fonts to find similar thin sans-serif fonts. I found two: Heebo and Yantramanav. Using these with the Thin or Light style gets me pretty close to Avenir Next.
I came across Open Sans, and it seems like the uppercase J is the only letter that's obviously different.
In google font try POPPINS is best answer