The Problem
I want a way to find Slices in a complex Sketch document.
Why this is a problem
I have used icon templates from Apple and Apply Pixels which are pre-configured to export different icon sizes.
These are often configured with the slices deeply nested, as seen in the screenshot below, so I wanted a search capability.
Possible Workaround
There's a dropdown in the Search box (top of Layer panel) which allows you to choose Exportable
and has the slice icon next to it.
However, that does what it says, finding exportable assets including non-slices marked as Exportable.
Is Exportable taken as a synonym for Slice, given that you cannot have a non-exportable Slice?
(Artboards you have made exportable allow you to remove all their export presets, going back to a non-exportable status. Slices will not allow you to remove the last export preset of a list.)
Why the workaround is insufficient
If you use these templates as a starting point, it's OK because they are completely slice-oriented. However, I also have complex documents that used Artboards as the main exportable element. I want a way to find just the Slices in those documents.