I have data on a 2D structured grid. At every grid node I have a unit length vector. So far it is a regular quiver plot.
For every vector I consider it's angle (with reference to the x-axis). The change of this angle from one vector to its right neighbor is the first value that I would like to visualize. The change of angle to its upper neighbor is the second.
So far I have just used two separate quiver plots to illustrate this. One colored according to the horizontal change the other for the vertical change. But I don't like this solution to much as it takes a lot of space an duplicates the information about the vectors on the grid.
I also thought of using a two dimensional colormap. Something like this: https://colorstamps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ I wonder if that is very readable in the end though.
If you have any ideas for how I should visualize my data?
Here is a small example of the data:
The goal would be to "merge" the two plots, as they have a lot of redundant information (the arrows are the same).