When I re-colour things in the GNU is not Unix Image Manipulation Programme the result often has dark grey patches or unsaturated light whit-ish patches.
Suppose that:
the blue-colored image is our input image.
the orange-colored image is out output image.
The blue input image has rich highly saturated dark blues.
The mottled orange output image has some low-saturation, dark-grey, regions.
In the input image, the dark blues are highly saturated (vivid blue, not grey).
How can we make an output image such that the desired output colour is orang-ish and the light and darks have the same level of rich vivid saturation numbers as the input image>
For example, the output pixel in row 40, and column 79 would have the same saturation level as the input pixel in row 40 and column 49.
What is the name of the computer programme we might use to prevent patches from turning grey?
Most famous algorithms in computer graphics have a name and a wikipedia page on them.