I am wondering is there any way I can make a bunch of layers colorful in PS. I mean can I assign color to a bunch of layers? Like I can do in AI. I mean, suppose, the layers those are associated with flowers illustration I make them red in layer panel, The layers associated with hand I make them blue, just to know which layers belng to which artwork. all are grey in layer panel. I lose track.

Thank you.

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Right-click/Control-click highlighted layers... pick a color.

It's actually a bit better in Photoshop than it is Illustrator. The colors are more apparent in Photoshop as well as being a bit easier to access.

And if you assign a color to a Group, all layers within that group take on that color.

enter image description here

  • :O :o :O oh gawwd!!! This is doable!!! :O :O :O OH my gawwd!!! am dead. am so happy that am actually dead!! Thank you so much. Commented Sep 3 at 12:13

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