What I have is a folder full of about 100 images of various sizes and shapes spread across various sub-folders. I need to blank out all these images ( or ideally replace them with some subtle pattern ) while keeping the pixel sizes, names and folder structure. Is there any software that anyone knows of that can batch process in any way similar to this.
1 Answer
Well, as far as my knowledge is concerned, you can do this using Photoshop Actions (or preferably saying, that's what I would have done). Photoshop Actions are basically a series of, well actions (I don't find any other word), that you can record as a macro and repeat as many times as needed with a single click.
The following link quite well elaborates on creating and using Photoshop Actions:
I hope that does. In case you need any further help just drop a comment and I'll see to it if I can take the solution further. Cheers! Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 17:58
1perfect thanks. I used a keyboard shortcut and was through them in no time Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 20:51