Back before I could afford a Mac I used a PC (when Windows XP ruled the earth). At that time I couldn't afford Photoshop either. So I had a WinXP box with Irfanview installed - and I thought that was pretty cool.
Now I have a Mac and PhotoShop but I can't figure out how to do one of the things Irfanview did so easily - swap colors / channels:
What it Does
Using those menu items you could take an image like this one:
and make it look like this:
or like this:
- How can I do something similar in Photoshop? It seems like it might be really complicated.
- What if I wanted to make that button another color besides one of the primary channel swaps - like a maroon or aqua - what is the best way to do that in Photoshop?
- Shouldn't it be especially easy if the image has a (kind of) grayscale background?
ps: Irfanview does not run on Mac without WineBottler or something like that which I don't really want to run.
Layer > New Adjustment layer.. > Hue / saturation
then move the Hue slider. You can always get back to edit the options inAdjustment layer
by double clicking the icon in it and of course hiding or deleting the layer gives you back the original colors.