How can I export a file that you could set it as a folder icon in Windows 7? And also, how do you get an application that has only one icon to change it's size when re-scaling? I set folder options to display large icons instead of normal and it changes icon, but when I go to application folder there is only one icon file.

I could actually export it targa (TGA) format then I can set it as an icon, but transparency is set to black and quality is terrible.

I browsed the Adobe forums and I couldn't find a solution anywhere. There are a lot of websites that convert PNG/JPG photos to ICO files, but I'd like to find out how to do it myself.

Using Adobe Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6.

3 Answers 3


I would assume if there's one file, it's one large file that's scaled down when necessary.

  • I tought so but what if they change when you rescale them?
    – Aras
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 17:11
  • By the way. I just examined that file and it's about 16x16...
    – Aras
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 19:36

Illustrator and Photoshop are not really icon file constructors in some ways.

Sure you can create artwork and save it as an icon. However, .ico or icon files can have layers of different icons for different sizes.

For example, take a look at this screen shot from IconBuilder on the Mac:


You can see that the actual icon file contains separate images for each size of the icon. This is what icon software does specifically - stack various sizes. You can not achieve this with either Illustrator or Photoshop alone. You need icon building software or plug ins.

  • Thank you I 5 mins before your answer I found a website converticon.com it can convert pictures to icons of various resolutions. Thank you anyway.
    – Aras
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 20:39

For all those people who don't need different sizes in a single icon, there's a photoshop plugin to save your graphic as an ICO file: http://www.telegraphics.com.au/sw/

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